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Rest In Peace Terry A. Davis


Terry's family has requested that supporters donate to

"organizations working to ease

the pain and suffering caused by mental illness"

such as:

The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation and

National Alliance on Mental Illness

Terry A Davis wrote all

119,162 lines of TempleOS over the last 13.4 years, full-time,

including the 64-bit compiler. It was called, at various times, "Hoppy",

"The J Operating System", "LoseThos" and "SparrowOS". Here are his

college transcripts. He's been a professional operating system developer since

1990 when he was hired to work on Ticketmaster's VAX OS.

In 2000 Terry A Davis programmed a windows physics simulator called


"Doctors, why don't you study an ant colony you fucking retards." - Terry A. Davis